The decline in duodenal ulcer disease and the established relation of pepti
c ulcer to Helicobacter pylori have virtually abolished the need for electi
ve ulcer surgery, However, a substantial proportion of the population aroun
d retirement age has previously been subjected to partial gastric resection
due to peptic ulcer, and the long-term outcome of these patients is of con
tinuing relevance, Patients subjected to elective surgery could represent a
selected group of healthy subjects with a lower overall morbidity, but rep
orts indicate that patients operated on for peptic ulcer have more advanced
disease associated with excess smoking and a different pattern of social b
ehavior, The surgical procedure induces enterogastric reflux, leading to pr
ofound changes in the remnant mucosa and the formation of carcinogens in th
e gastric juice, In addition, metabolic abnormalities are common, especiall
y fat malabsorption. Evaluation of the impact of these factors on morbidity
and mortality is difficult. Increased mortality in gastrointestinal tumors
(especially gastric stump carcinoma), respiratory diseases and other smoki
ng-related malignancies, and suicide are found in the long-term follow-up a
fter partial gastric resection due to peptic ulcer. However, these hazards
to life are offset by a decreased mortality in cardiovascular disease. Prev
entive measures against suicide and especially tobacco smoking are recommen
ded to improve the outcome for this cohort.