A series of computer programs were developed for the analysis of regulatory
sequences, with a special focus on yeast. These to ols are publicly availa
ble on the web (http://copan.cifn.unam.mx/Computational_Biology/yeast-tools
or http://www.ucmb.ulb.ac.be/bioinformatics/rsa-tools/). Basically, three
classical problems can be addressed: (a) search for known regulatory patter
ns in the upstream regions of known genes; (b) discovery of unknown regulat
ory patterns within a set of upstream regions known to be co-regulated; (c)
search for unknown genes potentially regulated by a known transcription fa
ctor. Each of these tasks can be performed on basis of a simple (string) or
more refined (matrix) description of the regulatory patterns. A feature-ma
p program automatically generates visual representations of the positions a
t which patterns were found. The site also provides a series of general uti
lities, such as generation of random sequence, automatic drawing of XY grap
hs, interconversions between sequence formats, etc. Several tools are linke
d together to allow their sequential utilization (piping), but each one can
also be used independently by filling the web form with external data. Thi
s widens the scope of the site to the analysis of nonregulatory and/or non-
yeast sequences. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.