This paper describes principles of Accelerator-Driven Transmutation of Nucl
ear Wastes (ATW) and gives some flavour of the most important topics which
are today under investigations in many countries. Pin assessment of the pot
ential impact of ATW on a future of nuclear energy is also given. Nuclear r
eactors based on self-sustained fission reactions - after spectacular devel
opment in fifties and sixties, that resulted in deployment of over 400 powe
r reactors - are wrestling today more with public acceptance than with irre
solvable technological problems. In a whole spectrum of reasons which resul
ted in today's opposition against nuclear power few of them are very releva
nt for the nuclear physics community and they arose from the fact that deve
lopment of nuclear power had been handed over to the nuclear engineers and
technicians with some generically unresolved problems, which should have be
en solved properly by nuclear scientists. In a certain degree of simplifica
tion one can say, that most of the problems originate from very specific fe
atures of a fission phenomenon: self-sustained chain reaction in fissile ma
terials and very strong radioactivity of fission products and very long hal
f-life of some of the fission and activation products. And just this enormo
us concentration of radioactive fission products in the reactor core is the
main problem of managing nuclear reactors: it requires unconditional guara
ntee for the reactor core integrity in order to avoid radioactive contamina
tion of the environment; it creates problems to handle decay heat in the re
actor core and finally it makes handling and/or disposal of spent fuel almo
st a philosophical issue, due to unimaginable long time scales of radioacti
ve decay of some isotopes. A lot can be done to improve the design of conve
ntional nuclear reactors (like Light Water Reactors); new, better reactors
can be designed but it seems today very improbable to expect any radical ch
ange in the public perception of conventional nuclear power. In this contex
t a lot of hopes and expectations have been expressed for novel systems cal
led Accelerator-Driven Systems, Accelerator-Driven Transmutation of Waste o
r just Hybrid Reactors. All these names are used for description of the sam
e nuclear system combining a powerful particle accelerator with a subcritic
al reactor. A careful analysis of possible environmental impact of ATW toge
ther with limitation of this technology is presented also in this paper.