OBJECTIVE: To quantitate the therapeutic effects of alternate-day lova
statin on serum lipoprotein values in a small group of men with primar
y hypercholesterolemia. DESIGN: Retrospective review of medical, pharm
acy, and laboratory records. A paired Student's t-test was performed o
n absolute changes in lipoprotein values with an a priori p value less
than or equal to 0.05 being statistically significant. SETTING: A lip
id clinic within a tertiary care Department of Veterans Affairs Medica
l Center. PATIENTS: Twenty men (mean age 62.5 +/- 8.3 y) with mean +/-
SD baseline low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentration
of 161.3 +/- 21.9 mg/dL and triglyceride concentrations below 400 mg/
dL. INTERVENTION: All patients had been prescribed lovastatin 20 mg ev
ery other day. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The mean absolute and percent ch
anges in lipoprotein values from baseline for patients receiving lovas
tatin 20 mg every other day and the percentage of patients attaining a
target mean LDL-C concentration as defined by the National Cholestero
l Education Panel Adult Treatment Panel II guidelines. RESULTS: Mean /- SD total cholesterol and LDL-C were significantly reduced by 32.4 /- 17.8 (14.0% +/- 7.8%) and 34.1 +/- 14.6 mg/dL (21.5% +/- 9.7%), res
pectively. No significant changes were seen in high- density lipoprote
in cholesterol or triglycerides. Four of 20 patients (20%) attained a
goal LDL-C concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Lovastatin 20 mg every other da
y may effectively lower LDL-C in some elderly men, and target LDL-C co
ncentrations may be obtained in some patients.