Osmetrichia have been defined as hairs specialized in the storage of secret
ions used in olfactory communication between conspecifics (Muller-Schwarze,
et al. 1977). These authors found highly specialized osmetrichia in the ta
rsal gland tufts of black-tailed but not white-tailed deer. Chemical commun
ication appears to be well developed in grey brocket deer: the bucks scent
mark by rubbing their foreheads on hushes, and all deer urinate and defecat
e almost exclusively on dung heaps. Brocket deer also possess tarsal tufts.
The purpose of this study was to examine hairs from several glandular area
s in this species. Osmetrichia, similar to those found in black tailed deer
, were found in tarsal tufts and in interdigital gland hairs; these hairs p
ossessed open scales with deep pockets suitable for holding secretions, in
comparison to the flat scales seen on control hairs. Hairs with different m
orphological characteristics (slightly open scales) were found over the fro
ntal gland. Specialized hairs were not found in the tarsal tufts of one spe
cimen of a related species, the red brocket deer (Mazama americana). The si
milarities in the hairs of grey brocket and black-tailed deer are remarkabl
e in light of the ecological and behavioral differences between these two s