The passive transbilayer movement-flip-flop-was investigated on planar bila
yer Lipid membranes (BLMs), containing myristic, stearic, or linoleic long-
chain fatty acids (FA). In response to a transbilayer pH gradient, a differ
ence in the surface charges between inner and outer leaflets appeared. Beca
use the BLM was formed from FA and neutral lipid, a surface potential diffe
rence was originated solely by a concentration difference of the initially
equally distributed ionized FA. As revealed by S-potential measurements, th
e corresponding surface potential difference Delta Phi(s) was at least twic
e the value expected from a titration of the FA alone. The additional surfa
ce charge was attributed to FA flip-flop induced by the transbilayer pH gra
dient. Delta Phi(s) was derived from capacitive current measurements: carri
ed out with a direct current (dc) bias and was corrected for changes of mem
brane dipole potential Phi(d). Dual-wavelength ratiometric fluorescence mea
surements have shown that Phi(d) values of the pure DPhPC bilayers and BLMs
containing 40 mol % FA differ by less than 6%. It is concluded that fast F
A Rip-flop is not restricted to membranes with high curvature. The role of
pH gradient as an effective driving force for the regulation of FA uptake i
s discussed.