Despite successful operation, many patients palliated with a Fontan-type pr
ocedure continue to show effort limitation. We previously observed that the
se children showed electrocardiographic ST depression during exercise tests
. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether electrocardiographic
ST depression is a common finding in children with Fontan circulation. Fort
y-two children in two groups were examined: group A consisted of 14 patient
s who had all undergone a modified Fontan procedure, and group B consisted
of 28 children with a structurally normal heart, matched for length, weight
and gender to group A. Complete echocardiographic examinations were perfor
med in all patients and controls. All 14 patients and all 28 healthy childr
en underwent standard 24 h ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring. All
the recordings were analysed by a PC-based Holter system where an analysis
of ST changes was performed. Seven patients and 14 matched healthy children
were exercised on bicycle ergometers. Four patients and eight matched heal
thy children underwent exercise testing by walking/running a treadmill. Ten
of 13 patients analysed had significant ST depressions on ambulatory elect
rocardiogram (>0.20 mV). Three of the 10 patients with ST depression were o
n digoxin. Three patients showed depressions or the ST segment in the elect
rocardiogram during exercise, with a maximal depression of 0.20-0.35 mV. No
ne of the 28 matched healthy children showed electrocardiographic ST depres
sion on the ambulatory 24 h ECG. These findings indicate that ST depression
in daily activity is a common finding in children with Fontan circulation.