C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to study the act
ivity of malic enzyme in isolated brain mitochondria from rat in the p
resence of unlabelled malate and [U-C-13]glutamate. ADP, inorganic pho
sphate, malate and [U-C-13]glutamate were added to a suspension of oxy
genated mitochondria. Typical tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle constitue
nts (malate, 2-oxoglutarate and succinate) were labelled from [U-C-13]
glutamate and detected in the superfusion medium. The labelling patter
ns in the different atom positions of glutamate revealed entry of both
unlabelled and labelled acetyl-CoA into the TCA cycle. Unlabelled ace
tyl-CoA was derived via pyruvate from exogenously applied malate by th
e action of mitochondrial malic enzyme, while labelled acetyl-CoA was
derived from TCA cycle intermediates, most likely by the action of mit
ochondrial malic enzyme on malate produced from [U-C-13]glutamate. The
results demonstrate malic enzyme activity and pyruvate recycling in i
solated rat brain mitochondria.