Spatial organisation of the genome within the nucleus can play a role in ma
intaining the expressed or silent state of some genes [1]. There are distin
ct addresses for specific chromosomes, which have different functional char
acteristics, within the nuclei of dividing populations of human cells [2].
Here, we demonstrate that this level of nuclear architecture is altered in
cells that have become either quiescent or senescent. Upon cell cycle exit,
a gene-poor human chromosome moves from a location at the nuclear peripher
y to a more internal site in the nucleus, and changes its associations with
nuclear substructures. The chromosome moves back toward the edge of the nu
cleus at a distinctive time after re-entry into the cell cycle. There is a
2-4 hour period at the beginning of G1 when the spatial organisation of the
se human chromosomes is established, Lastly, these experiments provide evid
ence that temporal control of DNA replication can be independent of spatial
chromosome organisation. We conclude that the sub-nuclear organisation of
chromosomes in quiescent or senescent mammalian somatic cells is fundamenta
lly different from that in proliferating cells and that the spatial organis
ation of the genome is plastic.