The process of bringing new food products from innovation to implementation
requires a high level of interaction between researchers, marketers, and c
onsumers. Researchers from industry and academia have the task of developin
g products that are not only efficacious, bur also have a high probability
of consumer acceptance. For most foods, industry must provide the most lead
ership in finding new product concepts, determining which products will hav
e the widest markets, and in funding research and development. To accomplis
h these tasks, industry has forged partnerships with academic centers and s
cientists who excel in research and development, and continues to search fo
r the best ways to communicate with consumers. For some FSMPs, other consid
erations, such as medical and nutritional needs (e.g., products for inborn
errors of metabolism), might change the pattern of industry leadership. The
following article explores the Mays in which industry can facilitate the d
evelopment and acceptance of beneficial and marketable food products.