The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of group and indi
vidual goal setting versus a control condition on bowling performance
(BP), personal goals (PG), and perceived goal difficulty (PGD) across
five weeks. Novice bowlers (N = 36) were randomly assigned to one of t
he three goal conditions. Three separate 3 x 5 (Goal Condition X Time:
Weeks of Study) repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) reveal
ed significant main effects for time on BP and PGD, and significant gr
oup by time interaction effects on BP and PG. The significant group X
time interaction effects revealed that participants in the group goal
setting condition increased both BP and PG relatively more than partic
ipants in the other goal setting conditions. Therefore, group goal set
ting may enhance performance in an individual sport by potentially inc
reasing personal goal setting under difficult performance demands.