A genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) map was generated using microsate
llite genotypes (284 autosomal microsatellite loci) of 581 gametes sampled
From the dutch black-and-white dairy cattle population. LD was measured bet
ween all marker pairs, both syntenic and nonsyntenic. Analysis of syntenic
pairs revealed surprisingly high levels of LD that, although more pronounce
d for closely linked marker pairs, extended over several tens of centimorga
n. In addition, significant gametic associations were also shown to be very
common between nonsyntenic loci. Simulations using the known genealogies o
f the studied sample indicate that random drift alone is likely to account
for most of the observed disequilibrium. No clear evidence was obtained for
a direct effect of selection ("Bulmer effect"). The observation of long ra
nge disequilibrium between syntenic loci using low-density marker maps indi
cates that LD mapping has the potential to be very effective in livestock p
opulations. The frequent occurrence of gametic associations between nonsynt
enic loci, however, encourages the combined use of linkage and linkage dise
quilibrium methods to avoid false positive results when mapping genes in li