The presence and distribution of the amino acid taurine in different muscle
cell types of the dog and rat was examined by immunocytochemical methods.
The light microscope study revealed that smooth muscle cells were similarly
immunoreactive for taurine, whereas skeletal muscle fibres showed wide dif
ferences in taurine immunoreactivity among individual cells. Some skeletal
fibres were strongly immunoreactive whereas others did not display immunola
belling. Mononucleated satellite cells, found adjacent to skeletal fibres i
n a quiescent stage, were also immunostained. Other myoid cells, such as te
sticular peritubular cells showed a cytoplasmic and a nuclear pool of tauri
ne. By means of electron microscope immunolabelling, the subcellular locali
zation of taurine was studied in vascular and visceral smooth muscle cells.
Taurine was present in most subcellular compartments and frequently appear
ed randomly distributed. Taurine was localized on myofilaments, dense bodie
s, mitochondria, the plasma membrane and the cell nucleus. Moreover, the la
belling density within individual smooth muscle cells was variable and depe
nded on the state of contraction of each single fibre. Contracted cells sho
wed a higher density of gold particles than relaxed cells. Unmyelinated ner
ve fibres, found adjacent to smooth muscle cells from the muscularis mucosa
e and the lamina propria of the stomach, were unstained or poorly stained.