Adherence to antiretroviral medications is essential for optimal treatment
of HIV infection. We investigated nonadherence to antiretroviral medication
s in an inner-city population by using a confidential interview and a self-
administered anonymous questionnaire. We estimated adherence on the day bef
ore and the month before the interview and asked reasons for nonadherence.
Of 173 people who were taking antiretroviral medications, all participated
in the confidential interview and 101 also completed the anonymous question
naire. Results of the confidential interview and the anonymous questionnair
e revealed rates of 6% and 28%, respectively, for nonadherence to any drug
on the preceding day and of 11% and 39%, respectively, in the preceding mon
th. The most common reasons for nonadherence in both methods were forgetful
ness, inaccessibility of medications, and perceived or actual toxicity. On
12% of the anonymous questionnaires one reason for nonadherence was perceiv
ed or actual lack of drug efficacy; this reason was not given in any of the
confidential interviews. Responses about the extent of nonadherence and th
e reasons for it may differ depending on the method of ascertainment. Inter
ventions to improve adherence should focus on making medication dosages eas
ier to remember, ensuring a continued supply of medications, and circumvent
ing toxicities.