Jerk (time derivative of acceleration) of the endpoint of a multi-joint kin
ematic chain can be represented as the sum of terms related to jerks, accel
erations, and velocities in individual joints. We investigated the relative
contribution of these terms during simulations of planar movement of a 3-s
egment kinematic chain and also during unconstrained movements at different
velocities, over different amplitudes, and with different intentionally ch
anged curvature. Our results demonstrate that the term related to individua
l joint jerks dominates in the total endpoint jerk. This domination was par
ticularly strong during voluntary movements and was not as striking during
the simulations based on 5th-order polynomial functions for individual join
t trajectories. Thus, the minimum-jerk criterion for multi-joint movements
can be well approximated by minimization of the jerk-related terms for indi
vidual joints. The decomposition of endpoint jerk into its terms shows pote
ntial limitations of the commonly used 5th-order polynomial modeling for de
scribing voluntary multi-joint movements.