The purpose of this paper was to quantitate the distribution and severity o
f computed tomography (CT) and radiographic findings in patients with aller
gic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), probable ABPA, and asthmatic con
trols. Chest radiographs and high-resolution CT images were evaluated in 19
patients with documented ABPA and 18 asthmatic controls. Ten patients with
probable ABPA were also evaluated. On CT examination 17 patients (89%) wit
h ABPA had central cystic or varicoid bronchiectasis in at least one lobe.
One patient had no evidence for bronchiectasis. The asthmatic patients (17%
) had findings of cylindrical bronchiectasis, All 10 patients with probable
ABPA had evidence of bionchiectasis on high-resolution CT (HRCT). The majo
rity of patients with ABPA have diffuse disease at the time of diagnosis, m
anifested by central cystic and/or varicoid bronchiectasis in four or five
lobes. Evaluation with HRCT can facilitate a diagnosis of ABPA and probable
ABPA, allowing for earlier treatment which may prevent progression to fibr