Arterial structure plays an important role in drug delivery from intraarter
ial depots. The internal elastic lamina forms a major diffusive resistance
to the transport of macromolecular drugs from intimally-adherent hydrogel d
epots to the arterial media. The objectives of this study were to develop a
n approach by which to form a bilayer hydrogel depot with a higher permeabi
lity intimally-adherent layer, containing the drug, and a lower permeabilit
y luminal layer, and to evaluate ex vivo whether this luminal layer could e
nhance the delivery of a protein to the arterial media. Sequential interfac
ial photopolymerization of polyethyleneglycol diacrylate precursors (molecu
lar weight 4000 for the luminal layer, 10,000 for the intimal layer) with e
osin Y and triethanolamine as an initiation system was employed to form the
se bilayer hydrogels. Horseradish peroxidase was used as a model protein, a
nd delivery to the arterial media was measured in rat carotid arteries ex v
ivo. The lower permeability luminal layer served to enhance delivery of the
model protein into the arterial media for delivery periods at least up to
72 h. Thus, it was possible to compensate for the diffusional resistance of
the internal elastic lamina on the one side of the hydrogel depot with a s
econd diffusional resistance on the other side of the hydrogel. (C) 2000 El
sevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.