A 41-years-old white homosexual man presented with epigastric pain and jaun
dice. Physical examination showed enlargement of bilateral axillar and left
inguinal lymph node, while ERCP and a CT scan suggested interruption of bi
le flow in the intrapancreatic tract of the common bile duct. An endoprosth
esis was positioned in the common bile duct during the ERCP. Blood tests (b
oth ELISA and Western blot techniques) showed positivity for anti-HIV antib
odies and a CD4 count of 780/mmc (normal: 900-1,200 /mmc). A few days later
, a drammatic increase of the size of a lymph node in this right axilla occ
urred, rapidly reaching 5 cm of diameter. A biopsy was performed at this le
vel, and histological examination revealed a high grade B-cell Burkitt type
lymphoma. Bone marrow biopsy was negative, as well as lumbar puncture. Agg
ressive chemotherapy with adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, bleomycine, eldesin
e and prednisone, together with intratechal administration of methotrexate,
was attempted. However, after a marginal and transient regression, the NHL
rapidly progressed and the patient eventually died seven months after the
diagnosis of NHL. A post mortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of Burk
itt lymphoma of the peripancreatic and axillar lymph nodes, with diffusion
to the leptomeninges, sub-aracnoideal spaces and encephalus. No signs of ly
mphoma were detected in other nodal or extra nodal areas.