Rhombencephalosynapsis (RS) is a rare cerebellar malformation. Its essentia
l features are the absence of the incisura cerebelli posterior, fusion of t
he cerebellar hemispheres, the absence of the velum medullare anterius and
nuclei fastigii, and fusion of the dentate nuclei. which are shifted toward
s the mid-line. Clinically, affected patients present with signs of cerebel
lar and motor disturbances. The present report describes a new patient affe
cted by RS. The subject first presented at the age of 22 years because of a
psychiatric symptomatology which was characterized by obsessive oral self-
mutilation associated with an intellectual disability. Objective evaluation
documented dysmorphic features, while neurological examination showed only
a slight truncal ataxia. The subject's IQ was 74 on the Wechsler Scale (ve
rbal IQ = 79, performance IQ = 74). Psychiatric evaluation with DSM-IV crit
eria documented an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder associated wit
h emotional instability and oral self-mutilation. The typical picture of rh
ombencephalosynapsis was evident on magnetic resonance imaging. Both chromo
somal analysis and routine biochemical investigations were normal. The rela
tionship between oral self-injurious behaviour and cerebellar malformations
is discussed with particular regard to the behavioural aspects of cerebell
ar congenital pathology in affective disorders and in autism.