Diversity of species in communities of heteromyid rodents presents a classi
c problem to ecologists, because species are similar ecologically and share
a Limiting seed resource. Mechanisms of coexistence considered to date hav
e focused on interspecific variation in ability to exploit heterogeneity in
resources caused by environmental factors, An unexplored possibility is th
at coexistence is promoted by heterogeneity among species in seed-caching b
ehavior. To begin evaluating this possibility, we asked whether coexisting
species differ in their propensity to cache and in types of caches made. In
an indoor arena, we presented millet seeds to 8 species of kangaroo rats (
Dipodomys) and pocket mice (Perognathus and Chaetodipus) from 2 communities
, 1 in California and 1 in Arizona. Species within communities differed in
amounts of seed consumed and cached per night, Both consumption and caching
increased with body mass in a manner similar to whole-animal metabolic rat
e, suggesting that energetics underlie food storage behaviors. Species also
differed significantly in propensity to cache in the home burrow (larderho
ard) versus in small depots outside the burrow (scatterhoard); scatterhoard
ing increased with body mass. Kangaroo rats scatterhoarded proportionally m
ore than sympatric pecker mice, and species from California tended to scatt
erhoard more than those of similar body size from Arizona. These interspeci
fic differences are consistent with the possibility that caching promotes c
oexistence. Our results appear to contradict those from a similar study of
heteromyid caching behavior that used a different protocol for presenting s
eeds. This discrepancy underscores the importance of understanding the exte
nt to which caching behavior is sensitive to details of experimental protoc
ol or animal state and of moving experimental caching studies into more nat
ural situations.