Retinal Muller (glial) cells metabolize glucose to lactate, which is prefer
entially taken up by photoreceptor neurons as fuel for their oxidative meta
bolism. We explored whether lactate supply to neurons is a glial function c
ontrolled by neuronal signals. For this, we used subcellular fluorescence i
maging and either amperometric or optical biosensors to monitor metabolic r
esponses simultaneously from mitochondrial and cytosolic compartments of in
dividual Muller cells from salamander retina. Our results demonstrate that
lactate production and release is controlled by the combined action of glut
amate and NH4+, both at micromolar concentrations. Transport of glutamate b
y a high-affinity carrier can produce in Muller cells a rapid rise of gluta
mate concentration. In our isolated Muller cells, glutamine synthetase (GS)
converted transported glutamate to glutamine that was released. This react
ion, predominant when enough NH4+ is available, was limited at micromolar c
oncentrations of NH4+, and more glutamate entered then as substrate into th
e mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). Increased production of glu
tamine by GS leads to increased utilization of ATP, some of which is genera
ted glycolytically. Methionine sulfoximine, a specific inhibitor of GS, sup
pressed the stimulatory effect of glutamate and NH4+ on glycolysis and indu
ced massive entry of glutamate into the TCA cycle. The rate of glutamine pr
oduction also determined the amount of pyruvate transaminated by glutamate
to alanine. Lactate, alanine, and glutamine can be taken up and metabolized
by photoreceptor neurons. We conclude that a major function of Muller glia
l cells is to nourish retinal neurons and to metabolize the neurotoxic ammo
nia and glutamate.