Early corticogenesis was studied in human embryos and early fetuses from Ca
rnegie stages 16 to 22 (5-8 gestational weeks) by using immunohistochemistr
y for Reelin (Reln), calretinin (CR), and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
. A first population of Reln-positive cells appears in the neocortical anla
ge at stage 16 and increases in number at stages 17-18. At stages 19-20, a
monolayer of horizontal CR- and GAD-positive, Reln-negative neurons forms i
n the preplate, whereas Reln-positive cells shift into a subpial position.
Another cell class, the pioneer projection neuron, is CR- positive but GAD-
and Reln-negative; pioneer cells contribute early corticofugal axons. Pion
eer cells first appear below the monolayer at stage 20 and form a pioneer p
late at stage 21. The cortical plate (CP) proper emerges at stage 21 and in
serts itself within the pioneer plate, which is thus split into a minor sup
erficial component and a larger deep component that presumably corresponds
to the subplate. Initial CP neurons are radially organized and mostly CR-ne
gative. Reln-positive cells remain consistently segregated from the pioneer
cells and are thus not directly involved in preplate partition. Our data i
ndicate that the neuronal composition of the human neocortical preplate is
more complex than generally described and that various neurons participate
in a sequence of events that precede the emergence of the CP.