Background: Postmortem examination serves as a tool for confirmation of cli
nical diagnosis, "quality" assurance, and education. In Israel, mostly beca
use of religious reasons, most families withhold their permission to perfor
m autopsies. To obtain objective information regarding the death of soldier
s, the Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps started in September of 1997 to
perform postmortem computed tomographic (PMCT) scans. The purpose of our st
udy is to determine what information can be obtained from the PMCT scans.
Methods: In a period of 16 months, 27 soldiers,were killed in low-intensity
conflicts and PMCT was obtained in 22 cases. Medical data obtained from th
e field medical care providers were collected and compared with PMCT result
Results: Several examples of patients whose death was determined at the sce
ne either before any medical intervention or after initiation of resuscitat
ive treatment are shown in our study and compared with the clinical impress
ion of the treating physician. Two examples of autopsy results are compared
with PMCT results. Gas was detected in various parts of the circulatory sy
stem in many cases. The significance of this finding, described in our stud
y for the first time, needs further investigation.
Conclusion: PMCT scanning has limits in detecting superficial injuries and
injuries of the extremities and determining the exact route of fragments th
rough body tissues in penetrating military trauma. It also cannot serve as
a tool for examining ammunition or the protection provided by various armor
s. However, it can provide a substantial amount of evidence that, when revi
ewed with the clinical information obtained from the physician at the scene
, can help in assessing the treatment given at the field and point toward t
he probable cause of death.