Elimination of EVE protein by CALI in the short germ band insect Triboliumsuggests a conserved pair-rule function for even skipped (vol 80, pg 191, 1999)
R. Schroder et al., Elimination of EVE protein by CALI in the short germ band insect Triboliumsuggests a conserved pair-rule function for even skipped (vol 80, pg 191, 1999), MECH DEVEL, 90(2), 2000, pp. 327
The question of the degree of evolutionary conservation of the pair-rule pa
tterning mechanism known from Drosophila is still contentious. We have empl
oyed chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (CALI) to inactivate the funct
ion of the pair-rule gene even skipped (eve) in the short germ embryo of th
e flour beetle Tribolium. We show that it is possible to generate pair-rule
type phenocopies with defects in alternating segments. Interestingly, we f
ind the defects in odd numbered segments and not in even numbered ones as i
n Drosophila. However, this apparent discrepancy can be explained if one ta
kes into account that the primary action of eve is at the level of parasegm
ents and that different cuticular markers are used for defining the segment
borders in the two species. In this light, we find that eve appears to be
required for the formation of the anterior borders of the same odd numbered
parasegments in both species. We conclude that the primary function of eve
as a pair rule gene is conserved between the two species. (C) 2000 Elsevie
r Science Ireland Ltd. All nights reserved.