The Fourier transform of cosmological density perturbations can be represen
ted in terms of amplitudes and phases for each Fourier mode. We investigate
the phase evolution of these modes using a mixture of analytical and numer
ical techniques. Using a toy model of one-dimensional perturbations evolvin
g under the Zel'dovich approximation as an initial motivation, we develop a
statistic that quantifies the information content of the distribution of p
hases. Using numerical simulations beginning with more realistic Gaussian r
andom-phase initial conditions, we show that the information content of the
phases grows from zero in the initial conditions, first slowly and then ra
pidly when structures become non-linear. This growth of phase information c
an be expressed in terms of an effective entropy. Gaussian initial conditio
ns are a maximum entropy realization of the initial power spectrum; gravita
tional evolution decreases the phase entropy. We show that our definition o
f phase entropy results in a statistic that explicitly quantifies the infor
mation stored in the phases of density perturbations (rather than their amp
litudes), and that this statistic displays interesting scaling behaviour fo
r self-similar initial conditions.