Objective: To clarify the molecular and clinical features of the newly iden
tified spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8). Methods: We analyzed the CTG r
epeat region of the SCA8 gene in a series of Japanese patients with cerebel
lar ataxia. We also investigated the frequency of the CTG repeat length in
Japanese normal elderly subjects older than age 79. Morphometric measuremen
ts on the cerebral MRI were compared between patients with SCA8 and SCA6. R
esults: The number of the combined CTA/CTG repeats of six affected SCA8 all
eles was 106.3 +/- 24.4 (mean +/- SD) ranging from 89 to 155 and that of no
rmal elderly subjects was 24.3 +/- 4.4 (n = 104 alleles) ranging from 15 to
34. The mean age at onset of the SCA8 cases was 53.8 +/- 19.7 years, with
a range from 20 to 73 years. One father and daughter from an SCA8 family sh
owed remarkable paternal anticipation. The number increase from father to d
aughter was +16 CTG repeats, with a 31-year acceleration of onset. The six
identified SCA8 patients were clinically characterized by high frequencies
of incoordination of trunk and limbs, ataxic dysarthria. impaired smooth pu
rsuit, and horizontal nystagmus, and the MRI showed significant atrophy of
the cerebellar vermis and hemispheres compared with that of normal controls
. There was no significant difference between SCA8 and SCA6 on the morphome
tric MRI study. Conclusions: The CTC repeat expansions in the SCA8 alleles
were much greater than the range of repeats in normal elderly subjects. The
SCA8 phenotype manifested by cerebellar symptoms and atrophy corresponded
to features of the autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type III (ADCA III)