Hereditary deficiency of prothrombin is a rare autosomal recessive bleeding
disorder, with severe bleeding diathesis in homozygotes, but rarely result
ing in intracranial haematoma, We describe two infants of consanguineous pa
rents, presenting with acute subdural haematoma, Because such haematomas in
infancy are highly indicative of trauma caused by child battering and beca
use the socio-economic status of the family was unstable, there was a suspi
cion of child battering. However, further investigations revealed a bleedin
g diathesis due to a prothrombin deficiency, DNA analysis of the prothrombi
n gene showed homozygosity for a novel mutation, substituting Lys for Glu a
t codon 7 and resulting in decreased specific clotting activity, We discuss
the probability of bleeding diathesis versus child battering in the aetiol
ogy of intracranial haematoma.