The evolution of axisymmetric equilibrium shapes of a rigidly rotating liqu
id drop can be extended beyond the 2-lobed shape bifurcation point if the r
otating drop is driven in the n = 2 axisymmetric shape oscillation (perturb
ation), where n is the mode of oscillation. A reason for the extended stabi
lity of the perturbed rotating drop is that the inertia of the driven axisy
mmetric shape oscillation suppresses growth of a natural nonaxisymmetric sh
ape fluctuation which leads to the 2-lobed shape bifurcation. The axisymmet
ric shape of the drop eventually bifurcates into either a 2- or a 3-lobed s
hape at a higher bifurcation point which is asserted to be the 3-lobed shap
e bifurcation point.