Electronic structure calculations in deformed lattices of Pd have been
carried out in order to explore the role of electrons in deformation
and fracture in fee transition metals. Deformed lattices with periodic
ally cleaved or slipped {111} planes have been used for the calculatio
ns; the slip direction is [110]. Variations in the density of states,
the electron energy and the electron density distribution have been ca
lculated by means of the tight binding method which reproduces ab init
io band structures in the ice lattice. The d band width narrows in the
cleaved lattice and broadens in the slipped lattice. In consequence,
the electron energy increases with cleavage and decreases with slip. V
ariations in the electron density distribution with lattice deformatio
n are shown for cleavage-sensitive and slip-sensitive states. Cleavage
-sensitive states cause the movement of electrons to the cleavage plan
e. Slip-sensitive states cause the rearrangement of the interatomic bo
nding near the slip plane.