Because of a critical shortage in suitable organs, many patients with termi
nal liver disease die each year before liver transplantation can be perform
ed. Transplantation of isolated hepatocytes has been proposed for the tempo
rary metabolic support of patients awaiting liver transplantation or sponta
neous reversion of their liver disease. A major limitation of this form of
therapy is the present inability to isolate an adequate number of transplan
table hepatocytes. A highly differentiated cell line, NKNT-3, was generated
by retroviral transfer in normal primary adult human hepatocytes of an imm
ortalizing gene that can be subsequently and completely excised by Cre/Lox
site-specific recombination. When transplanted into the spleen of rats unde
r transient immunosuppression, reversibly immortalized NKNT-3 cells provide
d life-saving metabolic support during acute liver failure induced by 90% h