The field of photobiology is concerned with the interactions between l
ight and living matter. For Bacteria this interaction serves three rec
ognisable physiological functions: provision of energy, protection aga
inst excess radiation and signalling (for motility and gene expression
). The chemical structure of the primary light-absorbing components in
biology (the chromophores of photoactive proteins) is surprisingly si
mple: tetrapyrroles, polyenes and derivatised aromats are the most abu
ndant ones. The same is true for the photochemistry that is catalysed
by these chromophores: this is limited to light-induced exciton- or el
ectron-transfer and photoisomerization. The apoproteins surrounding th
e chromophores provide them with the required specificity to function
in various aspects of photosynthesis, photorepair, photoprotection and
photosignalling. Particularly in photosynthesis several of these proc
esses have been resolved in great detail, for others at best only a ph
ysiological description can be given. In this contribution we discuss
selected examples from various parts of the field of photobiology of B
acteria. Most examples have been taken from the purple bacteria and th
e cyanobacteria, with special emphasis on recently characterised signa
lling photoreceptors in Ectothiorhodospira halophila and in Fremyella