There has been a continuous increase in the use of wastes as secondary mate
rials in the German cement industry. In principle there are two options: en
e,gy utilization of the waste (as secondary fuel) or material utilization (
ns a raw meal component in the production of clinker and as an interground
addition in cement). Which of the two utilization options has priority has
to De decided from case to case in accordance with the directives of the Kr
W-/AbfG (Recycling and Wastes Act). This article discusses the relevant pas
sages of the text of the Act and illustrates their practical application wi
th the aid of examples. The problems of toxic potential of wastes during ut
ilization in the cement production process is also examined, particularly w
ith regard to the 17th BImSch V (Ordinance of the Federal Environmental Imp
act Act), TA Luft 86 (German Clean Air Standards), and the Prohibited Chemi
cals Ordinance.