Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is known as an antiproliferative fact
or in the majority of mammalian cells, including stem germ cells. Lack of T
GF-beta-induced growth inhibition has been associated with disruptions of T
GF-beta receptors and SMADs. In the present study, we performed a mutationa
l analysis of the TGF-beta signaling system, including TGF-beta receptor ty
pe I and type II and SMADs (SMAD1-SMAD7), in 20 seminoma germ cell tumors.
Using reverse transcription-PCR, single-strand conformational polymorphism,
and sequencing analysis, the COOH-terminal domain of SMAD4 was found to be
mutated: a single thymine was inserted between nt 1521 and 1522 in 2 of 20
tumors analyzed. This addition of a thymine creates a frameshift and a new
stop signal at codon 492, which leads to premature termination of the enco
ded protein. Such a mutation potentially abrogates signaling from TGF-beta
as well as the other TGF-beta family members, including activin and bone mo
rphogenetic protein, which all use the SMAD pathway. Immunohistological ana
lysis confirmed the loss of expression of SMAD4 protein in the seminoma tis
sues with the insertional mutation. To our knowledge, this is the first des
cription of a novel SMAD4 insertional mutation in seminoma testicular germ
cell tumors. This mutational inactivation of SMAD4/COOH-terminal domain may
cause TGF-beta unresponsiveness, It could thus provide a basis for underst
anding the potential role of the TGF-beta system in germ cell tumorigenesis