Standardized and free-format questionnaires on the state of coastal managem
ent were fielded to coastal management practitioners during three workshops
and a national feedback and recommendation workshop. The most commonly cit
ed responses were identified for each of 13 political regions and overall t
rends were identified. Management frameworks frequently included research,
community organizing, education, livelihood resource enhancement, resource
protection, regulation, and net working components. Gender issues, document
ation, and infrastructure investment were rare. The most commonly perceived
environmental problem was illegal/destructive fishing and its associated o
verfishing and low fish catch. The most commonly cited socioeconomic proble
m was the inadequacy of law enforcement. The best monitored variables were
usually those related to environmental management status and change of habi
tats, resources, and degree of enforcement/patrolling activities The most c
ommon nonregulatory enhancement, aside from environmental education (which
is the most popular), was mangrove reforestation, In terms of regulations,
the majority of the respondents have reportedly formulated an integrated co
astal management plan. In practice, regulating destructive and illegal fish
ing practices and then the establishment of fish sanctuaries are the next m
ost implemented The most popular quality-of-life enhancement strategies foc
used on the improvement of sustainable fishing as a livelihood and on a var
iety of supplementary livelihoods. The most usual institutional interventio
n being implemented was the setting lip of local community people's organiz
ations. Major factors which may influence success or failure of coastal man
agement and recommendations on research community organizing and livelihood
, legislation and policies, implementation and coordination, and networking
are also summarized.