Flower volatile compounds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) are involved in a
ttractiveness to pollinating insects, and thus influence seed set. This stu
dy investigated differences in volatile emanation in this species by varyin
g flower color of the sampled material or time of flow er collection. Chemi
cal determinations were made by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-m
ass spectrometry analyses. The first investigation examined volatile concen
tration in clones characterized by seven different color ratings. Significa
nt variation among colors was found with a trend for greater emanation From
dark- than from light-colored flowers. This trend could bear an evolutiona
ry significance to compensate for the possibly lower visibility of dark flo
wers in a stand. The second investigation analyzed volatiles from intact in
florescences and from florets and rachises taken separately. A substantial
similarity of volatile amount and composition among the three kinds of samp
les was observed, The final investigation assessed the volatiles produced a
t different times of the day in each of the first three flowerings of the g
rowing season, during which alfalfa pollination was expected to take place.
Confirming previous evidence, temporal patterns of emanation were observed
, with a sharp increase from the flowering in May to those in July and Augu
st and a strong time-of-day effect during the two summer flowerings (burst
of volatiles around midday). The marked seasonal effect appeared somewhat r
elated to temperature increase while the daily variation of emanation in su
mmer paralleled that of solar radiation, There seems to be a coincidence be
tween conditions for maximum volatile emanation and reported optima for ins
ect foraging activity.