P. Garcia-zamora et al., Bryophyte vegetation in the sierras of Filabres, Cabrera, Alhamilla and Cabo de Gata (Almeria, southeast Spain)., CRYPTOGAM B, 21(1), 2000, pp. 19-75
The bryophyte vegetation of the Almeria Province (SE Spain) has been studie
d according to the Braun-Blanquet method. Twenty-nine communities have been
recognized, of which four are aquatic (classes Montio-Cardaminetea Braun-B
lanquet st Tuxen 1943 and Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyreticae Philipp
i 1956), five terricolous acidophilous (classes Ceratodonto-Polytrichetea p
iliferi Mohan 1978 and Dicranelletea heteromallae Mohan 1978), 15 terricolo
us basiphilous (class Barbuletea unguiculatae Mohan 1978), four saxicolous
(classes Racomitrietea heterostichi Neumayr 1971, Grimmietea anodontis Hada
c & Vondracek in Jezek & Vondracek 1962 and Neckeretea complanatae Marstall
er 1986) and one epiphytic (class Frullanio-Leucodontetea sciuroidis Mohan
1978 emend. Marstaller 1985). Three associations have been described as new
: Rhizomnio punctati-Fissidentetum taxifolii (meso-hygrophilous, sciophilou
s, terri-humicolous, edaphically indifferent, on slopes dose to running wat
er), Plagiochasmo rupestris-Athalamietum spathysii (xerophilous, photo-scio
philous, chasmo-comophytic, basiphilous, in deep cavities of volcanic and s
edimentary rocks) and Homalothecio aurei-Scleropodietum touretii (meso-xero
philous, photo-sciophilous, terricolous, edaphically indifferent, in rocks
and humiferous slopes). Studies of the dynamics of the communities were und
ertaken. (C) 2000 Adac/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.