In an attempt to estimate the number of pigment precursor cells in sea urch
in embryos, DNA synthesis and cell divisions were blocked with aphidicolin
from various stages of development. Interestingly, pigment cells differenti
ated on a normal time schedule, even if the embryos were treated from late
cleavage stages on. In most of the embryos treated from 10 h on, 10-15 pigm
ent cells differentiated. Thereafter, the number of pigment cells in the ap
hidicolin-treated embryos further increased, as the initiation of the treat
ment was delayed. On the other hand, total cell volumes in the pigment line
age, calculated from the averaged number and diameter of differentiated pig
ment cells, were almost the same irrespective of the time of the initiation
of aphidicolin treatment. This indicated that the increase in the number w
as caused by divisions of the pre-existing cells in the pigment lineage. Th
us, the founder cells that exclusively produce pigment cells could be ident
ified. They are nine times-cleaved blastomeres and specified by 10 h post-f
ertilization. The obtained results also clarified the division schedule in
the pigment lineage; the founder cells divide once (10th) until hatching, a
nd divide once more (11th) by the end of gastrulation.