Axolotls, with their extensive abilities to regenerate as adults, provide a
useful model in which to study the mechanisms of regeneration in a vertebr
ate, in hopes of understanding why other vertebrates cannot regenerate. Alt
hough the expression of many genes has been-described in regeneration, tech
niques for functional analysis have so far been limited. In this paper we d
emonstrate a new method for efficient overexpression of foreign genes in ax
olotls. Using vaccinia virus expressing beta-galactosidase microinjected in
to regenerating limbs, we show that vaccinia can infect both dividing and n
ondividing limb cells. The site of infection remains discrete and there is
no secondary spread of infection to nearby cells. beta-Gal is expressed at
high levels in blastema cells for about a week and in differentiated cells
for longer. Blastemas that have been injected with vaccinia at different st
ages regenerate normally. As a test of the utility of vaccinia for function
al analysis in regeneration, we constructed a virus expressing Shh and inje
cted it into the anterior of regenerating limbs. Ectopic Shh expression cau
sed extra digits, carpals, and tarsals in the hands and feet of regeneratin
g limbs, suggesting that despite differences in the timing of expression an
d the eventual pattern, the function of Shh appears to be similar to that i
n the developing limbs of other vertebrates. Our results demonstrate that v
accinia virus is an excellent vector for ectopically expressing genes for s
ecreted proteins and is a useful tool to study the function of signaling mo
lecules during the process of regeneration in urodeles. (C) 2000 Academic P