In a screen for novel cell surface markers of neuronal progenitors, we rece
ntly identified mAb 2F7 that recognizes an epitope present on both progenit
or cells and postmitotic neurons, in the developing CNS and PNS. In the emb
ryonic rat telencephalon, the mAb 2F7 epitope is expressed by migratory and
postmigratory neurons in the developing cerebral cortex, as well as by pre
sumptive neuronal progenitor cells of the ventricular zone. In the neonatal
forebrain mAb 2F7 labels postmitotic neurons, including those of the devel
oping cerebral cortex and olfactory bulb, as well as the axons of the corpu
s callosum. While mAb 2F7 immunoreactivity is present on only a low density
of the neuronal progenitor cells situated in the anterior part of the subv
entricular zone, a progressively higher proportion of cells forming the ros
tral migratory stream express this epitope. mAb 2F7 labels the surfaces of
neurons and neuronal precursors, but not mature oligodendrocytes and astroc
ytes in primary cultures derived from the rat neural tube. In vivo, migrati
ng neural crest cells, motor neurons, and axonal projections associated wit
h the spinal cord express the mAb 2F7 epitope. Immunoblot analyses reveal t
hat the mAb 2F7 epitope resides on several high-molecular-weight, membrane-
associated proteins, and is likely to be composed of N-linked carbohydrate.
These findings suggest that mAb 2F7 recognizes a novel epitope that is pre
sent on progenitor cells and postmitotic, differentiating neurons in the de
veloping mammalian nervous system. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.