We employ shallow water analysis to model the flow of particle-driven gravi
ty currents above a horizontal boundary. While there exist similarity solut
ions for the propagation of a homogeneous gravity current, in which the den
sity difference between the current and ambient is constant, there are no s
uch similarity solutions for particle-driven currents. However, because the
settling velocity of the particles is often much less than the initial vel
ocity of propagation of these currents, we can develop an asymptotic series
to obtain the deviations from the similarity solutions for homogeneous cur
rents which describe particle-driven currents. The asymptotic results rende
r significant insight into the dynamics of these flows and their domain of
validity is determined by comparison with numerical integration of the gove
rning equations and also with experimental measurements. An often used simp
lification of the governing equations leads to 'box' models wherein horizon
tal variations within the flow are neglected. We show how to derive these m
odels rigorously by taking horizontal averages of the governing equations.
The asymptotic series are then used to explain the origin of the scaling of
these 'box' models and to assess their accuracy. (C) 2000 Editions scienti
fiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.