We develop a Non-Crossing: Approximation (NCA) for the effective cluster pr
oblem of the recently developed Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA). The
DCA technique includes short-ranged correlations by mapping the lattice pro
blem onto a self-consistently embedded periodic cluster of size N-c. It is
a fully causal and systematic approximation to the full lattice problem, wi
th corrections O(1/N-c) in two dimensions. The NCA we develop is a systemat
ic approximation with corrections O(1/N-c(3)). The method will be discussed
in detail and results for the one-particle properties of the Hubbard model
are shown. Near half filling, the spectra display pronounced features incl
uding a pseudogap and non-Fermi-liquid behavior due to short-ranged antifer
romagnetic correlations.