Doxastic logics have been widely used to model the reasoning processes that
a rational agent may perform on its beliefs. The possible worlds model and
the Kripke semantics provide an intuitive semantics to doxastic formulas,
but they may only be used to model ideal agents. A different model is propo
sed in this article. In this new approach, the consistent and complete stan
dard possible worlds are replaced by conceivable situations, that are those
scenarios that the modelled agent is capable of considering, regardless of
their partiality or inconsistency. A general class of non-ideal reasoners,
the rational inquirers, is defined, and it is shown how the evolution of t
he beliefs of this kind of agents, caused by a multidimensional dynamic ana
lysis, may be modelled in the framework of conceivable situations. (C) 2000
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.