Purpose: To compare the diagnosis performances of radiologists on screen fi
lm versus digital mammography.
Material and methods: Two sets of 123 mammograms, screen film mammography a
nd storage phosphor digital mammography, are studied comparatively with ROC
Results: Phantom study show that conventional method give better scores for
usual tension but the detectability of smaller microcalcification is equiv
alent. To obtain with digital technic the same conventional score you have
to increase the radiation dose. Roc Curves, simulated "detection" mode show
ed that radiologists performed with higher accurancy with concentional syst
em but this difference is weekly statistically significant. ROC Curves, sim
ulated "diagnostic" mode showed the same results wit no statistically signi
ficant difference but when the decision to go to the biopsie is the gold st
andard. ROC Curves were ssentially equivalent for both film screen and digi
tal mammography system. The readers consistently considered the digital mam
mograms to be less suspicious for cancer findings. The agrement study as pr
oposed by the FDA indicate that probability of a positive digital mammogram
s given a positive screen film is 75% (threshold value 90%) and the probabi
lity of a negative digital mammograms given a negative analog film is 85% (
threshold value 85%). Conclusion: Analysis of specific discrepanciers indic
ate that spatial resolution is an essential limitant factor for digital met
hod but high resolution phosphor plate are interesting in imaging treated b
reast, radioluscent lesion, fatty benign tumor, hamartoma, intramammary lym
ph node, breast with prosthesis.