Purpose: Recent studies of infantile esotropia suggest that early surgical
alignment may enhance stereopsis and that alignment during the first 6 mont
hs of life may be optimal. Early surgery both establishes alignment during
an early critical period for the development of stereopsis and minimizes th
e duration of misalignment. Here we examine the role of these 2 factors in
promoting improved stereopsis outcomes. Methods: Participants were 129 cons
ecutive patients enrolled in a prospective study of infantile esotropia who
were followed up for a minimum of 5 years. At ages 5 to 9 years, Randot st
ereopsis was evaluated. Results: Multiple linear regression indicated that
duration of misalignment, but not age at alignment or age at onset, was a s
ignificant factor in determining random dot stereopsis outcomes. Moreover,
patients with stereopsis were less likely to have a loss of horizontal eye
alignment requiring surgery than patients without stereopsis (14% versus 32
%; z = 1.96, P = .05). Patients with stereopsis were also less likely to ha
ve dissociated vertical deviation than patients without stereopsis (25% ver
sus 63%; z = 3.36, P < .001). Conclusions: The results suggest that early s
urgical alignment is associated with better stereopsis in those patients wi
th infantile esotropia who were treated during the first 24 months of life,
because early surgery minimizes the duration of misalignment, not because
alignment is achieved during an early critical period of visual maturation.
Random dot stereopsis can also be achieved in patients with alignment prov
ided that the duration of misalignment is not prolonged. Improved outcomes
of random dot stereopsis are associated with more stable longterm alignment