This qualitative study investigated the lifetime illness experience of indi
viduals with the 'late effects' of polio or post-polio syndrome, Fifteen in
dividuals were interviewed twice about their illness experience and the int
erviews were transcribed verbatim. The empirical material first underwent a
categorization process. The preliminary categories generated through this
analysis were then condensed into broader categories which in the final ana
lysis gave rise, to the following temporal pattern or stages of the illness
experience: (1) the acute phase of polio and subsequent treatment and care
; (2) rehabilitation and care at institutions for the disabled; (3) adaptat
ion to a new life; (4) living with the post-polio syndrome today, and final
ly, (5) memories of the past and apprehensions concerning the future. In sp
ite of the difficult experiences of falling ill and slowly recovering from
a life-threatening disease, these individuals have had a good life and acco
mplished most of their ambitions in the areas of work and family life. Thei
r present psychosocial situation is complicated by the symptoms of the post
-polio syndrome which make them more vulnerable to stress, but they are abl
e to handle this burden except when any added strain makes it overwhelming.
This potential vulnerability may sometimes express itself as a: sudden fla
shback to traumatic polio experiences and it is therefore important that nu
rses are aware of the illness history of this patient group.