Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells responsible for bone resorption. They
have developed an efficient machinery for dissolving crystalline hydroxyapa
tite and degrading organic bone matrix rich in collagen fibers. When initia
ting bode resorption, osteoclasts become polarized, and three distinct memb
rane domains appear: a ruffled border, a sealing zone and a functional secr
etory domain. Simultaneously, the cytoskeleton undergoes extensive reorgani
sation, During this process, the actin cytoskeleton forms an attachment rin
g at the sealing zone, the membrane domain that anchors the resorbing cell
to bone matrix. The ruffled border appears inside the sealing zone, and has
several characteristics of late endosomal membrane. Extensive vesicle tran
sport to the ruffled border delivers hydrochloric acid and proteases to an
area between the ruffled border and the bone surface called the resorption
lacuna. In this extracellular compartment, crystalline hydroxyapatite is di
ssolved by acid, and a mixture of proteases degrades the organic matrix, Th
e degradation products of collagen and other matrix components are endocyto
sed, transported through the cell and exocytosed through a functional secre
tory domain. This transcytotic route allows osteoclasts to remove large amo
unts of matrix-degradation products without losing their tight attachment t
o underlying bone. It also facilitates further processing of the degradatio
n products intracellularly during the passage through the cell.