During 1996, 1997, and 1998, several total ozone depletion events were dete
cted over Madrid (40 degrees N, 3 degrees W) in late spring and in winter.
A broadband interferential filter instrument (UV-300) centered at 298 nm wa
s used to monitor the solar UV-B irradiance on the ground, registering UV-B
levels as high as 17.1 mu W/cm(2) (May 2, 1997, solar zenith angle SZA = 3
5 degrees, O-3 = 268 Dobson units). The data obtained have been compared to
that measured with two commercial biometers (PMA2102 and Solar Light 501A)
, showing that the evolution of UV-B due to total ozone changes are better
followed with broadband instruments with effective windows centered at lowe
r wavelength than with instruments responding to the erythemal action spect
ra. The development of simple, portable, and reliable instruments for the a
nalysis of solar UV-B phenomena at the high-energy side of that band is adv