We develop a detailed framework for calculating uptake rates of gases on fr
actal particles. Aggregates with a fractal dimension between 1.6 and 2.6 ar
e generated numerically. Three-dimensional simulations of uptake on these a
ggregates are performed for a large range of conditions. The numerical resu
lts can be expressed by a single physically based formula as a function of
the usual parameters (gas phase diffusion coefficient, uptake coefficient)
and of morphological parameters (aggregate gyration radius, size of the mon
omers composing the aggregate, fractal dimension). The expression for the u
ptake flux on an aggregate is generalized to a lognormal distribution of ag
gregates. The results for an isolated aggregate are compared to calculation
s used for spherical particles. The importance of accounting for the fracta
l character of aggregates in the calculation of the uptake flux is highligh
ted. The magnitude of the errors also depends on which aggregate equivalent
size is used as the characteristic radius for mass transfer.