Purpose: To demonstrate the technical feasibility of laparoscopic aortorena
l bypass in an acute porcine model.
Materials and Methods: An aorta-to-left renal artery bypass using an interp
osition Dacron graft was performed in five pigs, Intracorporeal laparoscopi
c free-hand suturing and knot-tying were employed exclusively. Renoprotecti
ve in-situ regional hypothermia was achieved intracorporeally by infusing i
ce-cold heparinized saline into the renal artery using a balloon catheter,
Results: The mean total surgical time was 325 minutes, and the mean renal i
schemia time was 61 minutes, The end-to-side graft-to-aorta and end-to-end
graft-to-renal artery anastomosis times were 34 minutes and 40 minutes, res
pectively. The mean estimated blood loss was 66 mL. On revascularization, p
rompt reperfusion of the kidney and Doppler-confirmed pulsation of the rena
l artery was noted. Graft patency was confirmed on autopsy.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic aortorenal bypass is feasible. This study represen
ts the initial report in the literature. A long-term animal survival study
is planned.