We present numerical simulations of the ultrafast transport dynamics in an
ultrahigh-speed double-heterostructure p-i-n photodetector, Nonlinear satur
ation behaviors under high field and high power illumination are investigat
ed with the external circuit response considered. Damping constants and dif
fusion constants are both treated as electric-field- and carrier-concentrat
ion-dependent in our model in order to take into account the effect of carr
ier scattering, We have also considered the carrier trapping at the heteros
tructure interfaces for the first time. Besides the drift-induced space cha
rge screening effect, we find that saturation of external circuit and carri
er-trapping-induced screening effect are also the dominant mechanisms contr
ibuted to the nonlinear bandwidth reduction under high power illumination.
On the other hand, previously reported plasma oscillations are found to be
greatly suppressed by including strong carrier diffusion effect in the mode